Sunday, June 3, 2012

First Family Portrait

June 2, 2012
Blake is doing good this week. Already up to getting 25mL of feedings every three hours, they have increased his caloric intake by adding protein to the breast milk. He has been taken off of his IV nutrition- so fully exclusive diet of breast milk now!! Which is GREAT!! We are still weaning from the JET ventilator, we are down quite a bit and still waiting to get off of it so we can hold him all the time! However, thanks to some persuasion....The picture below shows the best surprise ever!
 Happy Days! It wasn't until 10 o'clock at night that we were told "I have a surprise plan for you guys" from one of our favorite nurses Laura (there are so many favorites!) It wasn't until they were lifting him out of his bed it really hit me. I GET TO HOLD MY SON! I was so overcome with emotions the most of all feelings LOVE! It has been a long time since that first time we got to hold him and now he is SO much bigger. It was a happy moment for mommy and daddy- and grandparents Monica and Mark got to witness it all too! Now the next time though I've had to swear to Zach he will get to hold him! We will be counting down the days!!
Keep the prayers coming they are working!

June 2, 2012

April 26, 2012


  1. My favorite picture! Such a beautiful family with beautiful heart! Look at the difference in size of Blake- when you look at his head you can definitely tell how much bigger and stronger he is! Absolutely precious!

  2. Omg!!! I have been so anxiously awaiting this day for you. I love it!!! To kangaroo ur sweet, strong boy!! What a blessing for both of u.
    I want u to know that Blake has touched me so much. I start my day thinking & saying a prayer for him. During my crazy day he peeks back into my heart & thoughts then again when I tuck my strong willed children in at night. I cant wait to check in by computer on his accomplishment for the day. I am cheering him on everyday as if he was one of my own.
    I pray that u to will bring home ur strong boy very soon to continue his amazing journey.
    (((((Hugs))))) & strength to u all. Wendy meyer

  3. This was my favorite day ever...Im still all smiles after this! Now just counting down the days till we can hold him again..of course it will be daddys turn next!!

  4. You can tell how much bigger he has gotten, just between the two pictures.
    I'm so happy for you!
