Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sweet Serenade.

June 14, 2012

To most parents the constant sound of their infant crying although a wonderful sound can be quite exhausting. To the parents of a NICU baby who have never heard their little one cry....its a serenade. A noise like music, a sound that melts your heart, something we have waited for, for a LONG time. To Zach and I the day we heard our lil' man cry was a cause for celebration. After 2 long months of Blake being on the ventilator, Blake has now found his voice, and it is beautiful!  
Blake has had a great week in general, a happy baby except when he has to have his chest percussion therapy (they do this to loosen secretions) Blake is loving his clothes and continues to maintain his temperature! He has gained a bit of weight and is now a whooping 3lbs 11oz!! My lil' man is beginning to be a big man!! He is getting full feedings now of 27 calorie breastmilk, he gets 26mL every 3 hours and is tolerating it well! Its helping him put on the ounces!!
 Blake has now started smirking and smiling quite alot- more when his daddy is around (Such a daddy's BOY!!) I think our lil' one is much happier now that the silly tube is out of his mouth!! 
Blake's abdomen incision is now completely scarred over, and his belly looks great. We are officially six weeks post surgery- so now we are just waiting until our Surgeon feels Blake is big enough to get his takedown surgery for his belly. They usually want the babies to be at least 4 1/2-5 lbs before they do the surgery but if Blake keeps growing like he is- he will be there in NO time!! We know that when Blake is ready though for his surgery (hopefully his last one!) that God will be right there with us. Until then we will just be patient and as the doctor says- "Feed and Grow".
 His lungs are improving daily, but still have much more growth to go. Blake's currently now on CPAP at 6 and his oxygen requirements are minimal on room air oxygen at 21% WHICH IS GREAT!!! The next step is to switch to vapotherm which is a humidified oxygen that is given through a cannula (two prongs into his nose) this will allow us to actually see his whole face! But for now we have our little elephant mask which we are okay with too! 
We are with the doctors we are happy with slow and steady, and to feed and grow- so we just ask that everyone continue to pray for Blake's growth and health so we can get his lungs mature enough for minimal oxygen support and so he can have his belly surgery. All in hopes of getting him home soon...we count the days until our lil' man will finally get to meet all the people who love him SO much!!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Blake in his Car- "vroom vroom" onesie
with his bed made up in fire trucks. 
Blake with his mepliex dressings to protect his skin 
from the (CPAP) elephant mask!! 
Blake all decked out in dinosaurs!!
Do you see the dinosaurs orange sunglasses?!? CUTE!
Blake and Teddy 
 Blake sleeping like the lil' angel he is!
 Blake bundled in his Halo- "Our little burrito!"
 I had just told him daddy was on his way to see him....
this is the look I got!! Grinning from ear to ear!

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