Monday, July 9, 2012

Thank heaven for little boys.

"in the womb I knew you
before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5

To my Two Beautiful Boys:

My first born, Blake, you are my fighter, my lil' man. The world knows you and prays for you everyday! And everyday you fight! I wish I could hold you right now and kiss your hurt away, but you are doing great! Better than most people would be after 5 surgeries! In your short "almost" 3 months you have made your mommy and daddy so proud, and we promise we will always be! You have taught me so much, and showed us what true love is- Those beautiful blue/gray eyes stare at me and I know you have me forever wrapped around your finger! You have fought your way through impossibles, and shown us what you are truly capable of! I know God has a BIG plan for you! We love you little man, and we are always right there for you!

To my second born, Conor, my sweet angel baby! You my dear hold your own special place in my heart made especially just for you! You have been on mommy's mind alot today. I dream of kissing you, holding you, rocking you to sleep. I dream of holding you close, the touch of your skin, your smell. I dream of holding you and your brother together...but I know your being held right now up in the heavens dear, being loved on and being told stories of your mommy and daddy (don't believe them all!) but I just need you to know you are NEVER forgotten, you are always right in mommy and daddy's heart and we love you and are so proud of you! Thank you for being our lil' angel boy and watching over us and your big brother!
Until I see you again,


  1. I came across your post on theChive and had to come wish you guys the best. I too have twins born prematurely, but ours were born at 28 weeks and we spent two months in the NICU. They are now going to be turning two in the end of September. Now I can't imagine the struggles you guys are going through, but for us as hard as it was it is all worth it. That first smile you get make all those long days and nights forgettable. It sounds like Blake is going to be a lucky boy to have parents like you.

    -A Wisconsin Chiver

  2. I saw your post on the chive and wanted to give you some words of encouragement! My best friend gave birth to twins at 25 weeks. They were each 1 pound. Although their son did pass away, their daughter is now 2 1/2 years old. She is blossoming! I know it may seem hard but there will be a day when you get to bring your son home!

  3. I saw your post on theChive, and felt compelled to give you my love and support. My name is Connor Alan Richards, kind of a combination of both of your amazing boys. I know Conor is fighting right along side his big bro, keeping him safe. I can tell that both of you are going to be the best parents little Blake could ask for. And don't ever forget that theChive is part of your amazing family as well. And one last thing. My favorite phrase, that I defined, that defines me, and that keeps my world turning.
    "Remember your life, and love the moment you're in."

  4. Continue to KCCO little Blake because you can be sure your brother Conor is doing the same upstairs in the big yonder. Stay strong Zach and Katie, KCCO, and things will work out. :-)

  5. I saw your post in chive and am praying for your family. Hang in there. sending thoughts and prayers your way.

  6. I'm praying for your family as you all go through this. God will give you all strength (including Blake) and you can rest assured that he is holding Connor in his arms right now and one day you'll get to see him again!


  7. My family and I continue to pray for you all, for strength, courage, wisdom, laugh, hugs, and love. As I read through the blog updates, wiped the tears, smiled, and thanked God for all He does, even when we have no idea to the master plan. I am thankful that your journey has given you both a glimpse of Gods care and love for us all, you've reached to Him and thank you for sharing your story. Byers Family, Windsor, VA
