Thursday, August 2, 2012

Patiently Waiting.

August 2, 2012

Can you believe it's August? Two days from now and Zach and I have been in the hospital for FOUR months! Four!! How crazy is that? We are trying our best not to go insane, or stir crazy.
 It may or may not be working you'll have to ask our nurses that see us everyday!
So we are still in waiting mode. Waiting for Blake's abdomen incision to completely heal so they can love forward with the shunt surgery...then after a few days or weeks (depending on the outcome of the surgery) we will be moving forward with his hernia repair and circumcision. THEN we get to come home. Alot of people have been asking us for a date, an idea, even a clue as to when we can come home...what I can tell ya is I know as much as you do...I can't get the doctors to give us a date, all I can do is wait patiently!

What I can tell you is how great our little man is doing! He is 5lbs 10oz still just a scrawny little thing! BUT much bigger than what we started out at! He is taking a bottle about every feeding and is taking 55% of his feedings orally, the rest is still being put through a feeding tube...this is a BIG deal!
He even has taken 4 FULL bottles in the past 48 hours!! Our little man was hungry!! I can't explain how important this is- a month ago we were told it could be possible that he would not be able to take any milk orally for a few years, maybe even never be able to eat anything orally! Well I guess he Proved them wrong!! we couldnt be more proud!

Blake is still off all oxygen!! Again, a few months ago when we were on the ventilator, the doctors had to warn us of the possibility if needing a trach and how we may be on a breathing machine at home for a while...again Blake proved them wrong!!

Dreaming happy dreams!!

All dressed up in his polo and khakis!

Daddy and Blake!!

Mommy and her cowboy!!

"Look sir, droids!" our lil' storm trooper!!

We just want to take the time and thank everyone who reads this blog and supports us! This has been a very difficult time! never in our wildest dreams did we think that this could happen to anyone close to us, let alone to US! To lose a child and have to fight everyday for the other is truly exhausting at times. Zach and I went from being very active people, always out and about, to very stationary parents. We go through the same routine day after day....wake up, walk to the hospital, sit at Blake's bedside until 10-11 at night, walk back to the Ronald McDonald house and sleep, then repeat! It has been hard, BUT we know what the outcome will be, and that is taking our little miracle baby home!! We can not wait!!! But with the support you all have shown it helps us keep our spirits up, and know that when we get to come home we will have a band of supporters celebrating with us!!

It's a bird....
It's a plane...
It's a...
Sleeping Blake!!

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