Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Now that we have been in our home for a week, I wanted to write a blog with information on it for all our visitors. We have been to Blake's pediatrician now, and she has left us with a few guidelines in preventing Blake from getting sick, and possibly ending up back in the hospital. Please if you plan on visiting us, read this blog first! 

Due to Blake's prematurity a common cold could send Blake back into the hospital on a ventilator, or even be fatal. Blake is at high risk for serious complications like pneumonia, bronchitis, and other sometimes fatal virus's. So because of this there are some strict rules we must follow for the first year or so of his life. Zach and don't mean to be crazy, paranoid parents but after 4 long months in the NICU we did not fight along with him just to end up back at the beginning. So we ask that you understand that even though Blake now looks like a healthy newborn, he still has immature lungs, and does not have the antibodies to fight off illness that normal babies and kids do. So because of this we will be on house arrest through the first few months home, and then all winter due to RSV season. RSV season starts October and ends in April. If you do not know what RSV is there is a great site that you should read up on. www.RSVprotection.com. So from now, until April we will be on LOCKDOWN. Zach and I aren't looking forward to being couped up in our house unable to go anywhere including church, family gatherings, shopping, etc. but we are prepared to do what is necessary for our son. However, we can have visitors, and you are more than welcome to come and see us and Blake to keep us from becoming insane but there are a few simple rules and guidelines we ask that you follow. 

1. ALWAYS come in and wash your hands before touching anything (especially Blake) We have several hand sanitizers around the house as well.
2. We ask that you do NOT bring over children. As much as I LOVE babies and all our friends kids, we unfortunately have been advised to keep children away from Blake. Especially school aged children!

3. If you have been/have been around someone who is sick within the past 2 weeks please do not come over. Although you may not have been the one that is sick- an adult can carry antibodies of virus's and bacteria that lies dormant in them and then with one simple touch can pass it to Blake. 

4. If you smoke- please don't smoke right before coming over to see Blake and if you have to smoke- either bring a clean shirt to change into, or only visit and do not hold Blake. 

5. Please don't get your feelings hurt if we ask you not to visit. If Zach or I feel like someone visiting has symptoms of a cold or other illness we will ask you to leave. Not because we don't want to see you but we just really don't want Blake to get sick. 

I know we are being WAY protective, but it is DOCTORS orders, and like I said- we spent too much time in the NICU to take a few steps backwards with an illness, and our son's safety and health is our ONE and ONLY concern! 


  1. Well said Katie...welcome to the world of wanting to buy a bubble for ur family. One rule for you...its hard to be home all the time with someone who doesn't speak, so if u NEED to get out u must say so, and do so. A happy mommy makes for a happy family. enjoy

  2. Love it!!! Katie you write so proficiently, you need to write a book entitled What Every Mommy Should Know With A NICU Baby!!!

  3. When Rainee was born, we were confined to the house for a while too. I did have people get mad at me because I would have to turn them away for a simple cough! But, you are a great Mom and Blake is lucky to have you protecting him. Zach will also get to practice his protective Daddy skills!! You guys are amazing!


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