Thursday, September 6, 2012

Trucking along...

September 5, 2012
What a week so far! Its been a dreaded week for Zach and I both. The dreaded week of going back to work!! After a long what felt so short stent off work, we finally have to go back to the real world, away from NICU's, hospitals, and sadly away from our little miracle baby! Zach's first day back was Tuesday and I think it was hard on both of us. But after many phone calls and some "facetime" we survived it! When daddy got home snuggle time ensued!! If he can make it, I know Sunday will be hard, but as many mothers have to, I am sure after many tears and one long 12 hour shift...I too, like Zach, will indeed survive being away from Blake for that long! (BIG SAD FACE OVER HERE!)

Daddy and Blake talking on the phone.
 Blake and Mommy time, in his mommy loves me onesie!
 See how exciting our days have been without daddy.
I must bore him to sleep.
 He didn't seem interested while I was fixing my hair.

Tuesday night we had our very first, very unconventional, baby shower. It was a whirlwind of emotions as always. I can usually hold myself together pretty well but Tuesday was a hard day. I felt like the Count from seasame street 1-2- TWO, twin, twice the amount, 2 minus 1- only I rambling yet or confusing you because this is how my head felt all day. Full of confusion, I had been waiting for this day, so upset that it was taken from me my first children were suppose to greeted to a completed nursery, full of toys and gifts bought by loved ones in their honor at my very first baby shower. Instead, I headed into that night knowing no longer would I be getting two of everything, and what is suppose to be one of the happiest times was going to have a cloud over it with the constant reminder that my two had become a one. As always I try to turn it around...I took that cloud. I held on to it and instead of it being a black glommy cloud in my head I had transformed that cloud to a bright white cloud. So instead of drowning in self pity and grief I fastened my angel necklace securely around my neck, placed Blake in his car seat and headed to my very first baby shower... with BOTH of my babies. As hard as it was, I can not be more appreciative of everyone that came! And a special thanks to my wonderful In-Laws!! Thanks to my beautiful mother in law Monica, my loving Aunt Pam, and special Aunt Sonya and both wonderful cousins Haley and Katie! You truly made this "unconventional" baby shower everything I could ever ask for!!

Blake's Onesie Wreath. 
A Very Hungry Caterpillar Shower. 
 Cupcake Caterpillar.

 Baby Watermelon
Cousin Katie and Blake
 Great Aunt Pam and Blake
 Aunt Kelsey and Blake..
 Cousin Haley and Blake.

Blake had and still has a few doctors appointments this week, busy as always!! 2 weeks ago Zach, myself and Blake went to meet his pediatrician for the first time. A weight of 6lbs 8oz was recorded. Since then our child literally will NOT stop eating. So yesterday when I was on the way for a weight check I was sure we had hit the 7 lb mark...if not we surely had to be close! As routine we reached the office, Blake and I were met by his nurse, we stripped off his clothes and to the scale we went. Unfortunately, I was wrong Blake was not 7 lbs. Instead.... he was 7lbs 8oz....a POUND heavier than two weeks ago!! So we have now renamed him PORKY instead of monkey! I don't know if I can call him my lil' man anymore, because my lil' man is becoming a porker and isn't going to be lil' very much longer! I LOVE IT!!

My lil' BIG porky!!

Yesterday our almost 5 month old, 5 week adjusted aged baby, was seen and examined by his doctor. Everything looks great and he is growing. And even though you would never guess he was almost 5 months old by looking at him we are about to venture into an unknown territory. Our little BIG man is really going to be a BIG boy- our Pediatrician said for us to start (SLOWLY) introducing solids into Blake's diet.

So to Walmart we went.... This weeks menu....
For the next week will be dipping Blake's binkie (pacifer, fooler, booble, whatever you call it) into solid foods and getting him used to the different texture and tastes. Then will soon begin to spoon feed him....what an interesting site that will be! Here is some insight to our first experience with solid foods...

Blake was starving and I was taking too long!!
 Now for our first bite.
 Applesauce everywhere!
 Don't worry he licked it all off...saving none for no one!

Blake's sleep schedule is pretty much routine now- he, like his momma, is a night owl. (Which will not be a good thing for Daddy when I got back to work Sunday) We are trying to break that habit. He is sleeping well during the day taking a few 2-3 hour naps here and there, he does not go to sleep for the night until around 11:30- 12:00 despite our valiant efforts to get him to go to bed at a decent hour. Blake then wakes up at 2, and 5 for feedings and wakes up for the day around 8 or 9 in the morning WHO COULD ASK FOR BETTER?! It's definitely been an adjustment living on someone else's schedule instead of our own. But I think we are getting used to it, and coffee has become our best friend!

Late night snuggle time!
We took Blake outside for his very first rain...
 That then turned into Blake's first Thunderstorm...
he didn't like it much.
 He liked the inside much better!


  1. What a fatty! Keep it up a pound every two weeks and he will be caught up before you know it!

  2. We love you and Zach very much. I'm glad you enjoyed your shower.
