Friday, November 9, 2012

Nerd Alert.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, 
far away.... 

Episode 1
 It is a period of poopy diapers, lots of eating and at times a peaceful sleeping baby. A cute baby, Blake was minding his own business practicing the art of using a jedi light saber, when he discovered he was being pursued by the Empire's sinister agents. Blake races aboard the starship, when he meets the evil Darth Zach. It was then he was faced with the biggest battle of his life. To save the people and restore freedom to the galaxy.... 

Little did the baby Jedi know Darth was his Father!

1 comment:

  1. OMG...I laughed so hard I almost peed!!! and I am so not a nerd...I dont even know who Darth is! :) except what I learned from Toy Story.
