This month has been slightly difficult with the Holidays starting. To think back on a year ago where we were in life, excited sharing our news with close friends and family. We didn't know there were two yet, but we knew I was pregnant and we couldn't have been more excited. (And I couldn't have been more sick! Oh morning sickness...more like everything. all day. all the time. Sickness!) A few days ago on Thursday it was the 29th of November, marking the day that Blake and Conor should have been a whopping 4 months old. Instead Blake is 7 and 1/2 months old, and Conor is still pulling strings upstairs making it possible for Blake to be where he is today! Therapy Thursday proved that Conor was helping his big brother out a bit. The last therapy session had been somewhat disappointing as Blake did not want to do anything, including a simple stretch. He ended up throwing a fit and falling asleep and not finishing the session. But boy oh boy did Blake get a work out this time and make up for it! He is doing really well, I mean REALLY well!! He is now able to push up on the floor, and is attempting to roll back to belly...he is getting close but still needs just a little help getting completely over. (which is okay! because for therapy purposes that is a 6 month development skill- which Blake is only "Suppose" to be at a 4 month level!) He is seriously trying to crawl more like belly scoot, but his size hinders him a bit, and he is sitting with minimal support now. All in all we are going right along meeting milestones appropriately and defying all odds that were set upon us!! So blessed with this little miracle- OUR little blessing!!!
Blake is talking....A LOT more than he used to. This could possibly be my favorite new skill!
I love when we have conversations, and the fact that they aren't one sided anymore..Makes me feel SO much better!! As much as I like talking, I can only talk to myself for soooo long! So we chat daily, and laugh and play although the conversations still have no actual words they are so interesting!
Blake is eating well, he likes squash, bananas, sweet potatoes, and his favorite APPLESAUCE! He still is only at a 4 month eating level so only level one foods, rice cereal and oatmeal (he isn't a HUGE fan of oatmeal- but then again neither is his momma!). So we have about one meal a day, and most of the time he only eats about half of it, but he makes up for it by almost doubling his milk intake in the past few months. This boy is always hungry it seems! Here are some of our eating pictures.
This picture is him after eating him some bananas!! Look at those feet!!
Just hanging out after his meal- note his bib...he really isn't a messy eater quite yet.
He doesn't like to waste any food!
11 lbs. So the guessing game is on, and we will find out on Monday! Until then here are a few snap shots of our sweet little boy! Such a happy baby!
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