Now onto Blake's newest addition to life...his cranial band! This was one I was having a really hard time with. I'm not sure if I can truly pin point why, if it was the actual look of the band or "helmet" as Zach and I call it. If it was the amount of time he has to wear it. Or if it was strictly because I love every inch of my son and covering his head makes it IMPOSSIBLE to kiss all over it! To be honest I think it was a combination of all of these...but like everything else it was something we have to do. So we do it, whether we like it or not, for Blake!
So last week on Thursday we took Mr. Blake to get his newest hat!
Love those Rosie cheeks!
He still had no idea what was happening!
Last picture before the placement of his helmet!
Before the customized cut.
It was a little BIG! But then after some cutting and grinding to make the perfect fit....My cutie pie....
Looked even cuter with his new hat! And thank god it didn't even phase him! I think my biggest worry was that we would put the helmet on and he would throw a fit, and those tears I was just not prepared for! But who knew I wouldn't have to wipe away those tears?! He was perfectly content! And another big plus was that he was on a weaning schedule. So no 23 out of 24 hours until a week later! This I think was more for us then for Blake but hey we are taking it!!
Our first day went really well he wore it only three times for an hour. No red spots, no rashes, or problems to report!
Second day- 3 times that day for 2 hours each time! And again...perfect! And so followed suit on the 3 and 4th day! He even slept in it and tolerated it great!
It was only on the fifth day after a car ride to a doctors appointment we hit our first glitch! After our visit with Blake's surgeon from Riley-which by the way went great! We have graduated and no longer have to see him! Even though we LOVED him- Yay for one less doctor!! but anyway back to my story! So after the appointment I noticed Blake had a very large, very red spot on his forehead! So as instructed we left off his helmet for an hour-then two hours- and it was still there so we left it off for the day and met with the cranial tech the next morning!
The spot didn't seem to go away even after a whole nights rest- it's not really that red...we marked with lipstick so we could see where it was rubbing on the helmet. And after 30 minutes of cutting and grinding again....
Wàla! The helmet fits once again!!
I actually have become quite fond of how cute my lil' man looks in his special hat...although its an adjustment we will get through it! After all its only a few months or so and then we have a round head again!
So on another note- Blake is up to 14lbs 8oz. He is eating what seems like ALL the time! He is grabbing toys more and more and is doing really well in therapy meeting almost all milestones for his adjusted age and meeting some at his actual age! We are blessed and loving everyday we have with out little miracle baby!
Stay tuned: Up next a video of Blake's new bubble blowing habit! Too cute!
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