Sunday, January 13, 2013

This dang cold season!

Sooo... Where to begin?! It should probably start with Christmas and the low grade fevers, followed by runny noses and a LOUD.....DRY....all the time...wake you up cough! And that was just Blake! Fortunately, Zach some how escaped this dreaded cold (we needed someone to take care of us!) as I was dropped smack dab in the middle of it, and continued to have it until mine ended up to be bronchitis!
Thank God Blake's did not....but that does not mean it was any less scary!

We took Blake in a few weeks ago for his Synagis (RSV) shot, and of course his cough and congested nose was worse than normal...this triggered one of the longest days we have had this far since being home! It started out with Blake's nurse telling me "how bad RSV has been this year... How she hopes Blake doesn't have it...or pneumonia... How she hopes he won't have to be admitted to the hospital...." All things I didn't want to think about! So Blake's pediatrician came in to listen to him only to reintegrate all the things his nurse had just said.... Thus turning me into a sick...
worried...mess!! And poor Zach was helpless at work waiting for updates from me, while I kept forgetting to text only making him MORE worried! So the first test was to check Blake's oxygen saturation. Something I do everyday at work, something that shouldn't be hard... It's simply a plastic clip that goes on your finger and gives a reading! Nope.... Not today. They clip it on Blake and it read 76-79-82-68..... (These are NOT good numbers!) so I begin to flip out... But alas it's just the darn machine failing to pick up properly! (Thank GOD!) So while we wait for a new was time for the Nose swabs for Blake. Which he hated. But we tested for flu and RSV both of which take 15 minutes to result. So Blake and I waited. And waited. And waited for what felt like an eternity...both of us coughing and generally just wanting to be home in bed cuddling! But finally those results came back....NEGATIVE! Again thank god! So the doctor informed us she was worried with the way Blake's lungs sounded he might have pneumonia, so she wanted a chest X-ray just to verify and she would be sending him home on long as Blake's oxygen saturation was normal once we were able to obtain it, and she also went ahead and gave the okay for Blake to get his RSV shot as planned. So the nurse went to get the shot- and we would check his oxygen level as soon as the other machine got there. Okay- day was getting a little better...OPPS spoke too soon... As soon as the nurse got back in the room Blake broke out in a red splotchy rash across his chest and on his upper right arm! great! So... Enters the pediatrician again... Okay the rash is nothing to be concerned about probably stress related! on the the oxygen saturation... Now how many people do you think it takes to get an accurate reading on Mr. Blake? Mom + Blake's Nurse + Pedatrician + another Nurse.... Ahhhhhhhhhhh 4- Four people (four health care professionals at that!) to get an accurate reading! After 10 minutes of messing with that dumb machine we were finally able to get a reading of 99%! So we got the okay to go home rather than get admitted to the hospital! (And yet I have still failed to be a good wife and update my poor husband who has texted me multiple times for updates!) it was from there after his shot (which he hated as usual!) that Blake and I went to get his chest X-ray. That in itself was a traumatic experience for Blake and myself as I was not allowed at his side while he was placed in some weird see through plastic contraption for the actual X-ray. Finally after all was said and done we headed to car and to daddy's work so I could apologize for not updating and Blake could get some lovin and cuddles from his daddy! And honestly so I could get some hugs and "it's gonna be alrights from Zach too!" We waited for about 30 minutes at his office when finally we got a call with the results of Blake's X-ray...
Pneumonia....or.... Just a cold?
Just a cold!!! His chest X-ray looked clear and was completely normal! Thank The Lord.... With Blake's past lung issues- to get pneumonia could have been very scary and possibly could have lead to him needed oxygen support or even to be placed back on a ventilator! But Luckly only antibiotics were in our future! And we can handle that! So after days of much needed sleep....

And more sleep.....

And more sleep....

Here we are feeling SOOOO much better!

So fast forward to today- 10 days later Blake is feeling much better- I am still coughing up a lung but have finished my antibiotics as well and feel much better also! This week is the last week we will have Blakers without his cranial helmet. Since the new year Blake has gone to the cranial techs here in Evansville and gotten fitted for his helmet. Unfortunately what we were told would probably be a few month ordeal has now been changed to 3-6 months but we roll with the punches in this house! To add to that also our insurance has claimed this to be a "cosmetic" procedure and has denied any claims made to it.... What does that mean? Well it means we pay for the helmet- no coverage for us! But what needs to be done will be done... And honestly with all the bills we look forward to paying why not add one more?! So Thursday it is! Thursday our cute little man gets to fix his crooked little head! Wish us luck! And pray that he doesn't flip the heck out the whole time it's on! Because its on for 23 out of 24 hours of the day... And we slightly feel like Blake's been through enough! We hope he gets used to it quickly and that his head corrects itself quicker than they expect too!

Blake getting his scan- see the camera on the top of his head?!

Now for more pictures.... So as you know Blake loves mirrors! Here is a pic showing JuST how much....

And him checking himself out on my phone!

This was Blake when he was sick... And yet there he was still smiling and being a ham!

Blake visiting Ms. Alyssa!

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