Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hard Work

It's been a BIG week in our household! Blake is almost 18 months old, 14 months adjusted. Of course we have some developmental delays he can not walk, or pull up on things without assistance, but we know with time he will. Blake has not been able to crawl due to his left arm not having the strength it needs to pull his body weight into an upward crawling stance, but we knew with time he would get it and if you've met Blake you know that hasn't stopped him from getting around the house. He would roll from one side of the room to another in incredibly fast fashion! But as of this weekend, and many tears on my's clicked! As Zach and I laid on the floor for playtime before bed Sunday night, their he went army crawling around everywhere! Sometimes using his knees but for the most part using his arms to crawl around everywhere! It will only be weeks before our house has a baby going everywhere! Time to baby proof! We aren't perfect parents we struggle sometimes seeing the frustration Blake has when he would try and not be able to do things, but after many hours, days and months spent it is so.....emotional, amazing and gratifying to see the hard work our son has put in paying off! Such a proud mommy and daddy we are!

YouTube Video

I couldn't capture him using his knees as well as he has....but this still gives ya a video of my miracle baby making big strides to being mobile!!!


  1. Greetings fellow chiver/chivette,
    I found your story on the chive just browsing today and WOW look how far you have come! Congrats! Hope all is well, and thanks for your inspiring story! KCCO- a fellow Cali Chivette!

  2. That is one determined dude! KCCO little dude
    from Jason Matthew a Colorado chiver!


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