Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Difference in their First Christmas.

So we got a little daring this weekend. Saturday night Zach and I decided after almost 8 months that it was time we let go and went out for some adult time. For those of you that follow my blog you actually know we were suppose to do this weeks ago. (Those plans got cancelled!) But this time we stuck it out and held ourselves to it because this time it was for a celebration that we couldn't cancel or back out of! We were going to celebrate Zach's 29th birthday!!! So Saturday we spent all day with our lil' man and hugged on him as much as possible and then at 7 that night dropped him off to spend the night with his Grandma Pam and Grandpa Mike. And you will never believe it but we survived!! And actually enjoyed ourselves quite a bit too! And got to spend some quality time with not only each other, but also lots of friends we haven't seen in a while! And lastly even slept in A LOT a bit the next morning!!! YAYYY!!! This was the much needed R&R Zach and I both wanted needed. 
This is the face I got when I asked him if he wanted to go see Grandma Pam.

Blake in his "That's it! I'm going to Grandma's onesie I made him.
 In his sweater ready to go. 
Grandma Pam and Blake hanging out without us :(

Monday we went to the doctor again- It was time for Blake's Synagis shot (RSV vaccine) but this time it was me who had to take him to get it. (BIG SAD FACE) So to the doctor we went. Blake was checked over, just a quick listen and weight. A month ago Blake weighed in at 10 pounds 15ounces just one ounce away from being 11 lbs, Monday we weighed in at a big 12 pounds 11.5 ounces!! BIG BOY!! That however, was the last happy thing about that appointment. Blake was in such a good and playful mood too! Cheesing that precious grin to the nurse and his pediatrician but he had no idea what was about to come...and then BOOM!!! Blake got his shot and showed me just how loud he could really get!!  And let me tell you, I had NO CLUE Blake's vocal chords could reach such sound!! Poor baby broke my heart as the tears flowed and the screams persisted. But after we left we made a stop by Daddy's work and all was forgiven and all was right with the world again! 

Blake is doing well, he is still trying SO hard to roll both belly to back and from back to belly, with little success rate. That was until last night when he was sound asleep the little stinker rolled on to his belly on accident. Zach and I couldn't help but crack up as we watched him (sleeping mind you) trying to figure out how he ended up on his belly tangled in blankets. Before helping him flip back over and untangle I had to capture a picture! He also is working hard on his sitting. He does really well with minimal support (literally one finger tip usually provides him with enough support!) but today we had a successful sit without any hands...only lasting about 10 seconds but hey we take it as a SUCCESS!
 Blake stuck on his belly all tangled up. 
 Yay Mom we are sitting....for 3...2..1....
Baby fall down...go boom.

As you know from the other post recently I am all set for Christmas. The house is decorated, Christmas presents mostly  bought- but still not wrapped. I figure God has blessed us with such a miracle this year we should really go all out in a celebration of Him! From the story of Christmas being told, to Christmas onesies, to Christmas music being played daily for Blake I'm sure we are preparing him for a lifetime love of the Holidays! We will take this holiday and everyday rejoice in the miracle that is Blake's life, never taking advantage of even a second. We thank the Lord everyday for the life that has been given to Blake, knowing that every breath that he takes, and every milestone he meets is God's gift of answered prayers. 
 My little Christmas Man!! LOVE IT!!
 Aussie checking things out.
 Santa booty!
 Daddy after Blake just messed his hair all up!
 Grandpa and Grandmo playing by the tree. 
 Since Blake can't go out in heavily public areas we made our very own First Santa Picture!
Blake hanging out with Uncle Zeb!

With the Holidays approaching it also bring some sadness in our lives. We mourn as we hang only one new stocking, and buy presents for only one new baby. I remind myself that Conor gets to celebrate Christmas too. Baby's first Christmas in Heaven. Conor gets a personal invite from the 'Birthday Boy' Himself! Not only that but Conor also gets to celebrate with some company we all miss greatly too. He gets to spend Christmas laughing with his Great Grandpa Wil, and singing with his Great-Great-mother Rosie. He gets to be held and rocked by his Great Grandma Grace, while playing peek a boo with his (name sake) Great Grandpa James. He will be surrounded with our friends children sons and daughters who gained their angel wings too. He will dance, sing, and play with all his friends and family! And although my heart breaks, I rely on my faith and remember that God choose me to carry him for a reason. I have the honor of being his mommy no matter what! God granted me with the title of Conor's Mom, and Zach Conor's Dad. It makes my heart swell just at the thought of being his parent. We are so proud and honored to be his parents. We can not even begin to explain how he much he will be missed this Christmas. We can't even begin to explain the magnitude of pain we feel knowing he wont be in mine or Zach's arms this Christmas morning. But the love I feel knowing where he will spend his Christmas morning is overwhelming. We find comfort knowing that Conor gets to go to the greatest celebration of life, hope, and love this year for his first Chritmas. He gets to spend it with Jesus this year, he gets to celebrate it pain free, all while knowing his Mommy and Daddy love him endlessly. 

My First Christmas in Heaven

author unknown

I see the countless Christmas trees 

around the world below,

with tiny lights like heavens stars

reflecting in the snow.

The sight is so spectacular, 

please wipe away the tear

for I am spending Christmas 

with Jesus this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs 

that people hold so dear

but the sounds of music can't compare

with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you, 

the joy their voices bring,

for it is beyond description

to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me

I see the pain inside your heart

but I am not so far away

we really aren't apart.

So be happy for me dear ones,

you know I hold you dear

and be glad I'm spending Christmas

with Jesus this year.

I sent you a special gift,

from my heavenly home above

I sent you each a memory

of my undying love.

After all love is a gift more

precious than pure gold

it was always most important

in the stories Jesus told. 

Please love and keep each other,

as my Father said to do

for I can't count the blessings or love

He has for each of you.

So have a merry Christmas and

wipe away that tear

remembering I'm spending Christmas 

with Jesus Christ this year. 

1 comment:

  1. As hard as it is to provide a night for yourself let me tell you it is soooo important. keeping your and zach relationship alive and fresh will be the greatest gift you will ever give your children and it is sooooo hard to do. After 8 years and 3 little ones, together time is pretty much doesn't happen. Gotta get better at that.
    The poem is such an amazing message...to know that conor's christmas is going to be much more amazing then anything we will experience. Continue your journey in faith friend. (((HUGS))) and Merry Christmas!!!


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