Monday, June 11, 2012

2 months old!!

June 11, 2012
Just a short post today- today Blake turned 2 months old...and is doing SO well!! Blake remains off the breathing machine and is tolerating it great! We enjoyed today with visits from some friends from Henderson, and Blake got a surprise visit from his grandpa Mark!! Blake is still doing well with his feedings and tolerating the milk and has grown to be a CHUNKER. Blake is now 3lbs 7oz- and in a few days will be wearing clothes for the first time!! We couldn't be more proud of our lil' man!! I can't believe it has already been 2 months since my beautiful baby boys were born! How time flies...before you know it we will be smiling and heading home. We are definitely counting the days...but until then we thank God for every good day Blake has and ask that God babysit our Conor until we get to see him again....
 and who could ask for a better babysitter!


  1. Love your new mommy and daddy pics, brings a smile to my face :)!!!!!

  2. You two have so much strength through all this. It's amazing! May God bless you!!
