Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm a Big Boy Now.

 June 8th, 2012

Monday Blake will be 2 months old but today is a milestone to remember!!We have known for the past few days it was possible, but we didn't want to jinx anything...but ITS OFFICIAL! Blake has been taken off the breathing machine, and is breathing all on his very own!! Zach and I went in today with smiles on our faces and butterflies in our bellies...and as always Blake AMAZED us!

Blake tolerated the switch off the breathing machine very well- we only got to see him for about a minute or so without anything, and then he was placed on a CPaP machine- we call him our lil' space cadet now!!

This mask sits on his nose and provides oxygen and pressure but Blake is doing all the breathing on his own and remains on minimal oxygen settings! He still has to keep his feeding tube in his mouth, but soon enough it can be moved too! Blake's first ABG (the lab that informs of how well he is doing lung wise) after he was extubated was PERFECT! Exactly what we wanted! We aren't to a point where we know for sure if he will not have to go back on the breathing machine but so far he is doing excellent. They said after 24 hours we will know for sure if he can handle breathing all on his own, but the doctors are optimistic! Its hard to put into words the joy we feel today! This is a BIG step. It has been over a month that our doctor looked at Zach and I and told us there wasn't much more we could do for Blake and that he might not make it through the night..and now look at us! Blake is the strongest little man I know and we are SO proud of him. We know he is not doing this alone, and that he has lots of help from above! Conor has been doing a great job watching over his twin brother!! Thank you for the prayers and support too, we know that is helping a lot! Today is definitely at GREAT day!! All smiles and happiness here in Indy!

"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress; he sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from destruction. Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to humankind."-Psalm 107:19-21

Blake Right Before getting Extubated.
Hanging out with his new CPap Hat
Taking the Tube out...and he is doing great!
Daddy and Mommy are SO EXCITED!!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of Blake. Keeping fingers crossed and praying that he continues to get stronger.
