Sunday, June 3, 2012

Beat up and Still fighting

May 23, 2012 8:01 PM
Blake the day after surgery...Looks like he got beat up by Mike Tyson.

Blake swollen 2 days after surgery...looking better

Two days post op from Blake's PDA ligation heart surgery and Blake is finally starting to look like our little man again. Blake's swelling is slowly resolving, he can at least open his eyes again! Blake has had a good day today, ventilator settings have gone down a little bit- remains on low oxygen, and his chest xray still shows no collapsing of either lung!
Blake got a bath today from mommy and daddy, he hates bath time!! Poor baby was making crying faces the whole time. (I think thats why Zach lets me do all the scrubbing and he gets to do the comforting!) Blakes abdominal incision continues to heal and is scabbing over. They have the incision now open to air without a dressing and it is completely closed, and his belly is pink and soft! They restarted Blake's feedings today after they had been off for a few days due to the surgery and he is tolerating them well and happy about having his milk back!!
Today Blake is 6 weeks old, its hard for Zach and I to believe he is already that old! (But at the same time we feel like we have been in the hospital for YEARS ) Conor has been doing a great job watching down from heaven on his big brother and not a day goes by that we thank him and God! Every day Zach and I count as a blessing. Today one of the ladies that works here at Riley asked us as she normally does "How are you today" and Zach and I responded with our normal "we are doing good today and yourself?" She looked at us perplexed and said "You guys always say you are good- how are you really?" I looked at her and answered her as honestly as I could. "We find the good is everyday- thats why we always answer that way!" and its true. Everyday we have with Blake we count as a good day!
"And this is the confidence we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us." - John 5:14

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