Sunday, June 3, 2012

Long weekend.

May 22, 2012 1:16 PM
Sorry for the lack of updates here lately- Its been a busy weekend. Blake had a wonderful weekend it allowed us some much needed relaxation this weekend because he was so good! We celebrated my 25th birthday Saturday. Blakes grandparents have been up to visit, and we even got out a little on Sunday and went to see the Pacers vs. Heat in the playoffs.
We had a visit from Pastor Mike on Thursday and we prayed- We prayed for God to heal our sons lungs, to help make them pliable, allow his organs to heal and to provide us with the strength to handle all that is brought to us. It was then on friday Blake was seen by the cardiologist and they decided that they wanted to do surgery on Blake afterall for the PDA. GOD ANSWERED! The PDA can affect multiple things including his heart and lungs! Our doctor told us because they didn't make the decision until late Friday that the surgery would not be until mid week this week- However, SURPRISE- we had it yesterday at 11:00. Zach and I were scared but hopeful. We knew God had a plan and we were meant to follow it. Everyone including doctors and nurses had told us how sick Blake would be for the next couple days after surgery- possible blood pressure issues, respiratory issues, etc. I am happy to say though, no surprise to us, Blake is doing GREAT!! He tolerated the surgery very well, and the doctors and nurses saw an immediate improvement in his blood pressure. Blake has gone up on ventilator settings a small amt, but not as bad as we had inticipated. He did have an xray today and both lungs are open and look good. No collapsing on either side!! His oxygen needs have remained low! Such a proud mommy and daddy we are!
Blake is swollen today and we keep calling him our little marshmellow. He will be getting a transfusion today as well as two doses of lasix to help reduce the swelling. We thank everyone SO much for all the prayers and we can feel the love and support all the way here in INDY!! We love you all and can't wait for Blake to grow so we can bring him home to meet you all! We will keep you updated in his progress and any changes post surgery.
"For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds," Says the Lord. 
Jeremiah 30:17
My birthday present from Blake
My 25th Birthday
Blake the Day before surgery.

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